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Resumen de Mineralogía y génesis de los tramos arcillosos en la cuenca de Carrión de Calatrava (Ciudad Real)

Carlos Jesús Sánchez Jiménez, Juliana Parras Armenteros, Anselmo Acosta Echevarría

  • The palygorskite enriched levels of Carrion Basin (Ciudad Real, Spain) are located in the neighbourhoud of the town of the same name, enclaved in the so called Calatrava Zone. This Palygorskite is associated with neogene sequence. That are the refill of the isolated lacustrine basins. This paper deals with the mineralogical study of this sequences. It proposes that palygorskitic clays are formed by transformation mechanisms from others inherited filosilicates (illite-smectite), in a process of early diagenesis (Suárez et al, 1989).

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