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Resumen de 4D cadastres: First analysis of legal, organizational, and technical impact-With a case study on utility networks

Fatih Döner, Rod Thompson, Jantien Stoter, Christiaan Lemmen, Hendrik Ploeger, Peter J. M. Van Oosterom, Sisi Zlatanova

  • The increasing complexity and flexibility of modern land use requires that cadastres need an improved capacity to manage the third dimension. As the world is per definition not static, there also will be needs in relation to the representation of the temporal (fourth) dimension either integrated with the spatial dimensions or as separate attribute(s). In this paper, registration of utility networks in cadastre are considered in this 3D + time (=4D) context. A number of countries in the world have developed methods to register utility networks complying with their legal, organizational, and technical structure. We researched the different approaches of three specific countries: Turkey, The Netherlands and Queensland, Australia. These are analysed to evaluate a solution that matches legal, organizational, and technical cadastral requirements in the most optimal way.

Fundación Dialnet

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