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Resumen de I confini lessibili tra politica ed economia

Luciano Gallino

  • The Flexible Boundaries Between Politics and Economy According to a recurrent reading, politics have been superseded by the invasion of economics and finance that has compelled politics into a second order and subaltern position. According to the author, such a reading does not take into account the fact that the European governments, even before the US administration, played an important role in abolishing the legal constraints on the circulation of capital and speculative activity. Rather then a victim of the economy, politics actively promoted deregulation from the 80ies onwards: It did not consist in the abolishment of rules but in the change of rules, from less permissive to more permissive ones. On the level of ideology, this move was enabled by neo-liberalism that appeared to be much more than just an economic theory. It was rather a comprehensive social theory, a kind of faith.

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