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Resumen de Estructura del Alpujárride y del Maláguide al NW de Sierra Nevada (Cordillera Bética)

Carlos Sanz de Galdeano Equiza, Francisco Delgado Salazar, Ángel Carlos López Garrido

  • español

    La revisión del área situada entre Sierra Arana y Sierra Nevada (NE de Granada) ha hecho necesaria la redefinición de las unidades alpujárrides allí existentes. En su sector meridional se distinguen, de abajo arriba, las unidades de Padules, Blanquizares y Plata. La unidad de La Mora, que aparece en ventanas tectónicas, ocupa la misma posición tectónica que la de Padules con la que se puede asimilar. Esto supone la pertenencia de la unidad de La Mora al Alpujárride, lo que equivale a admitir la existencia en este complejo de una cobertera liásica y más moderna. Todas estas unidades presentan vergencias hacia el N. En el sector septentrional existe una serie de escamas vergentes al sur, que desde el Maláguide pasan progresivamente a unidades de un carácter intermedio con el Alpujárride y por fin a unidades muy afines al Alpujárride (las de Garay y La Teja), aunque conservando un zócalo de afinidad maláguide. En general son cabalgantes sobre unidades meridionales especialmente sobre la unidad de La Mora.

  • English

    A review of the area situated between the Sierra Arana and Sierra Nevada (NE of Granada) permits to redefine the local Alpujarride units. In the southern sector, from bottom to top, the Padules, Blanquizares and La Plata units can be distinguished. The La Mora Unit, appearing in tectonic windows, occupies the same tectonic position as that of Padules and has comparable Middle and Late Triassic stratigraphic sequences. This attribution of the La Mora Unit to the Alpujarride implies that this complex has a Liassic and more modern cover. Ali these units verge towards the north. In the northern sector, a series of slices verging southwards show the progressive transition from the Malaguide to units with an intermediate character with the Alpujarride, and finally to units narrowly related to the Alpujarride (Garay and La Teja), although conserving a basement with Malaguide affinities. These units generally overthrust the southern units, especially the La Mora Unit. The superposition of the' southern units corresponds to the general pattern of the Alpujarride south of the Sierra Nevada, with a higher degree of metamorphism in the upper units. Nevertheless, in the northern units, the order is reversed. That is, the upper units (Malaguide) show no metamorphism, and underlying these are the transitional units between the Malaguide and Alpujarride Complexes, with little or no metamorphism; in a lower position are situated the units belonging clearly to the Alpujarride, with a low degree of metamorphism. These northern units were strongly rotated because they occupied the border of the Interna! Zone, which collided with the External Betic Zone. This happened towards the Late Aquitanian?-Burdigalian-Langhian? and coetaneously the southward verging thrusts occurred, all within the process of westward displacements of the Internal Betic-Rif Zone, just after the superposition of the southern units (Late Oligocene-EarIy Aquitanian?). In addition, normal and strike-slip faults affected the entire group during the Serravallian and the Tortonian.

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