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Resumen de Aliando tecnologia da aprendizagem à qualidade de vida dos idosos

María Aparecida Santana, Beltrina Côrte, Flamínia Manzano Moreira Lodovici, Vicente Paulo Alves

  • Interinstitutional project conducted empirical research concerning the quality of life of the elderly individual connected with the guided use of the Internet. For creation of an adequate virtual learning environment to the elderly, the present investigation aimed to verify what themes could be explored in this space based on the users� predilection, and in what dimensions would rely its capacity to improve the quality of life of the elderly user. Methods involved 128 respondents to a questionnaire containing 29 questions (closed and open), living in the cities of Brasília and São Paulo and with experience in the use of the Internet. Our results are expressed as simple frequential data and suggest effects potentially beneficial to the quality of life of elderly individuals on what concerns health and coping, social networking, citizenship, and access to products and services.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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