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Resumen de L'alunnato romano di Noè Bordignon

Emiliano Covre

  • On 12 December 1870, the Royal Italian Government decreed that the painter Noè Bordignon (1841-1920) had won the competition of the "Alunnato di Roma": a scholarship assigned to former students of academies of fine arts to improve their artistic ability. Thanks to the documents stored in the archive of the "Accademia di Belle Arti" in Venice, the prizes which were received by Bordignon as a student are listed in this essay, and Bordignon's scholarship is especially explored. The competition won by the painter is compared with the previous contests won by Giuliano Zasso (1833-1889) and by Eugenio Blaas (1843-1931). The focus is then shifted on the period when Bordignon was in Rome, and the examinations of the works which he sent to the Venetian Academy are taken into consideration, giving special attention to "La mosca cieca".

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