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Resumen de Ledit N: des emplois anaphoriques originaux

Anne Theissen

  • English

    The aim of this paper is to study how works the French anaphor leditN, at which linguists have not paid much attentions. In taking into account his properties and his particular use, we show, first, that le dit N is not a simple alternative of the anaphors le N and ce N and, secondly, that it can even be more appropriate than these standard anaphors. Laurence Kister & Evelyne Jacquey Traits sémantiques et anaphores pronominales The reference resolving order to find the themes of documents. In this article, we present a way to find semantic informations to resolve anaphors which use a referential expression (RE) of the form NdeN and an anaphor (AE) realized by a subject relative pronoun. This method is based on the semantic content of nouns in NdeN groups and uses a list of concrete nouns in French which can be automatically extracted from the definitions of the TLFi dictionnary. Such a list is then used to annotate corpora in order to predict the selection of the good nominal referent which can be the second noun or the entire NP (35% of RE contain a [+concrete]). Keywords anaphor, NdeN, semantic tagging, lexicon extraction, lexical semantics

  • français

    Cet article a pour objet une expression anaphorique peu étudiée : ledit N. Notre objectif est double. En tenant compte de ses propriétés et de son fonctionnement particulier, il s'agira de montrer i) que ledit N connaît des emplois anaphoriques tout à fait originaux qui le préservent de n'être qu'un simple doublon de le N et ce N et ii) plus étonnant, qu'il s'avère utile, dans des cas où, contre toute attente, des emplois anaphoriques plus standard du type de le N ou ce N ne font pas l'affaire.

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