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Resumen de Le "istruzioni al discepolo" di suor Batista da Varano. Status quaestionis e ipotesi attributive.

Massimo Reschiglian

  • MASSIMO RESCHIGLIAN, OFM. – Le «Istruzioni al discepolo» di suor Battista da Varano.

    Status quaestionis e ipotesi attributive (41-95) This study intends to shed light on the spiritual treatise, called Istruzioni al discepolo, which has been traditionally attributed to the Poor Clare and mystical writer Sister Battista da Varano of Camerino (1458-1524), updating the list of witnesses, both in manuscript and in print, which are presently available, and the modern editions which have disseminated knowledge of this text. In the second and third parts of this contribution several open questions regarding the contents of the work, the date of its composition, the person to whom it was directed and the hypothesis as regards authorship, are addressed. In respect of the last of these matters, after taking into account the most authoritative opinions, the author – who is currently working on the editio critica of the text – presents and comments upon several synoptic tables in order to clarify the hierarchical links between the most credible witnesses and to ascertain the reliability of the traditional attribution of authorship.

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