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Resumen de Barbed Absorbable Suture Closure for Large Mohs Surgery Defect

John Strasswimmer, Ben Latimer, Hanna Speer

  • Section Editor: Edward W. Cowen, MD, MHSc; Assistant Section Editors: Murad Alam, MD; Ruth Ann Vleugels, MD Article InformationCorresponding Author: John Strasswimmer, MD, PhD, Advanced Mohs Surgery, 2605 W Atlantic Ave, Ste D-204, Delray Beach, FL 33480 (DelrayMohs@mac.com).

    Accepted for Publication: March 9, 2013.

    Author Contributions:Study concept and design: Strasswimmer.

    Acquisition of data: All authors.

    Analysis and interpretation of data: All authors.

    Drafting of the manuscript: Strasswimmer.

    Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: All authors.

    Administrative, technical, and material support: All authors.

    Study supervision: Strasswimmer.

    Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Strasswimmer serves on the speakers bureau of Angiotech Inc and is a paid speaker for Genentech Inc, DUSA Inc, and Elekta Radiation Therapy Inc.

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