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Resumen de Art et réforme grégorienne au nord des Alpes: la France

Barbara Franzé

  • Following on the path of the fundamental studies by Hélène Toubert and Ernst Kitzinger, recent scholarship has demonstrated historians´renewed interest for the question of the relationship between the Gregorian reform, major event of the central Middle Ages, and the artistic production of that period. The aim of the present article is to establish an initial inventory of the work found within the present-day territorial boundaries of France, whose motifs or iconographical programs directly reflect the ideology of reforming the Church, or those whose themes are closely dependent, like those arising from the Eucharistic controversy. The study of this ties associating the historical phenomenon - the Gregorian reform - and its supposed reflection - the image - necessitates for each case exposed, the proposition of a coherent dating, insofar as it is possible, in order to identify the sponsors.

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