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Resumen de Análisis de los errores de prescripción y preparación de medicamentos citostáticos detectados en un Servicio de Farmacia

T. Aguilella Vicente, María Vuelta Arce, Mari Pau Monfort Cervera, Rocío Pardo Sánchez

  • Objective: To analyze in a quantitative and qualitative fashion the errors related to cytostatic drugs' prescription and preparation processes. Method: Observational prospective study. We included those treatments that were prescribed by the Oncology and Hematology departments, and were prepared by the Pharmacy department. Prescription errors were detected by pharmaceutical validation. Preparation errors were detected by reviewing individual patient's trays. Results: We revised 242 treatment orders. 3.7% had some type of medication error. 54.5% of those errors were due to incorrect dosage. 16 potential errors were detected in the preparation, being the most frequent ones: incorrect serum (25%), incorrect dissolvent (25%) and misidentified mixtures (25%). The rate of error was 0.55%. Conclusions: The percentage of prescriptions with any type of error is similar to that obtained in other studies. In the preparation process, we obtained a total rate of error higher than that described in other works

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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