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Resumen de Foraminíferos bentónicos holocenos del talud de Guyana y Surinam (Atlántico Central): su relación con las masas de agua.

Ana Pascual Cuevas

  • The study of two sedimentary Holocene cores from the upper slope of Cuianas (Central West Atlantic) allows for the identification of 139 species of benthic foraminifers. This microfauna is similar to those identified in recent materials from French Guiana and Venezuela. As differences with adjácent areas are the occurrence in this site of abundant individuals of Hoeglundina elegans (a cold-water, deep bathyal species, associated with the North Atlantic Deep Water) and the occasional occurrence of Planulina ariminensis (species associated with the North East Atlantic Deep Water). Dominant assemblage, which is constituted by Uvigerína peregrina, and Cassidulina carinata, besides of the occurrence of other species such as Brizalina subaenariensis, adapted to low-water oxygenation, seem to indicate upwelling during the Holocene times in this area

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