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Resumen de A corpus-driven quantitative approach to the construal of Polish think

Karolina Krawczak, Iwona Kokorniak

  • The present paper examines the construal of the verb myśleć ‘think’ in Polish from the perspective of Cognitive Grammar and Functional Linguistics. Cognitive corpus-driven and quantitative methodology (e.g., Glynn and Fischer 2010) is applied to reveal the formal and semantic correlations obtaining between a set of unprefixed and prefixed verb forms of myśleć ‘think’, instantiating and profiling various aspects of the category in question. The quantitative configurational method (Geeraerts et al. 1994) reveals the “behavioral profiles” (Gries 2006) of the verb, based on the “usage features” (Glynn 2009) associated with it. The notion of subjective and objective construal, as developed by Langacker (1990, 2006), is further elaborated on by more functional dimensions of perspective-taking, as put forward by Nuyts (2001), Verhagen (2008) and Traugott (1995, 2010).

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