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Resumen de La zonación química en los granates de las granulitas de Beni Bouzera (Rif interno): establecimiento de una trayectoria metamórfica antihoraria

R. Alami, Thomas Theye, Bruno Goffé, M. Bouybaouene

  • Textural observations and variation of chemical composition on the garnet of Beni Bouzera's granulites (kinzingites for Kornprobst, 1974) allow to recognize two prograde metamorphic event Ml and M2 corresponding, respectively to a thermal and baric peak, Ml and M2. An abrupt disminution of the Ca content in the peripheric zone of the garnet has been interpreted as a retrograde event (M3) of the metamorphic P-T path, produced after a isothermal decompression, also inferred from the metamorphic reactions between minerals included in the garnet. Thermobarometric data estimated from zoned garnet allow to reconstruct a anti clock-wise P-T path to these rocks

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