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Resumen de Effect of freezing and thawing rates on sperm motility in Bocachico Prochilodus magdalenae (Pisces, Characiformes)

José G. Martínez, Sandra Clemencia Pardo Carrasco

  • español

    Objetivo. Determinar la tasa de congelacion y descongelacion para mantener la viabilidad espermatica durante la crioconservacion seminal de Bocachico. Materiales y metodos. Fueron implementados cuatro tratamientos de interaccion entre dos curvas de congelacion (rapida, lenta) y dos curvas de descongelacion (rapida, lenta) en un factorial 2x2, asi: congelacion rapida-descongelacion rapida, congelacion rapida-descongelacion lenta, congelacion lenta-descongelacion rapida y congelacion lenta-descongelacion lenta. Posterior a la descongelacion espermatica y mediante el software Sperm-Class-Analyzer, fueron analizadas la velocidad curvilinea (VCL) y lineal (VSL) (Êm sec-1);

    movilidad total, rapida, media y lenta, y fueron comparadas entre tratamientos. Resultados. El tratamiento congelacion rapida-descongelacion lenta fue letal para las variables de velocidad y movilidad espermatica, causando una significativa (p<0.05) inmovilidad pos-descongelacion (100%).

    La interaccion congelacion lenta-descongelacion rapida tuvo un efecto significativamente mejor (p<0.05) que los demas tratamientos, particularmente sobre variables como movilidad rapida (10.1 ± 1.1%), movilidad media (30.16 ± 4.1%) y velocidad curvilinea (51.5 ± 4.75 Êm sec.-1), asi mismo, genero una disminucion del porcentaje de espermatozoides con movilidad lenta (41.7 ± 4.45%). La tasa de congelacion posee un efecto principal significativo sobre la movilidad total. Conclusiones.

    El efecto de la interaccion entre las tasas de congelacion y la descongelacion es nulo (excepto para la movilidad lenta), sin embargo, los efectos independientes de estos factores (efectos principales) sobre el resto de variables de movilidad son positivamente significativos y determinantes para el mantenimiento de aquellas caracteristicas, especialmente el factor congelacion (cuando es lento).

    Este es el primer reporte exitoso de crioconservacion espermatica de Bocachico P. magdalenae en el mundo, pudiendo ser usado en programas de conservacion de esta especie en riesgo de extincion.

  • English

    Objective. To determine the freezing and thawing rates necessary to maintain sperm viability during cryopreservation of Bocachico semen. Materials and methods. Four interactional treatments were implemented between two freezing (rapid and slow) and two thawing (rapid and slow) curves, in a 2x2 factorial as follows: rapid freezing-rapid thawing, rapid freezing-slow thawing, slow freezing-rapid thawing, and slow freezing-slow thawing. After thawing by Sperm Class Analyzer (SCA) curvilinear velocity (VCL) and straight-line (VSL) (ìm sec-1) were analyzed; total, rapid, medium, and slow motility, were compared among treatments. Results. The rapid freezing-slow thawing treatment was lethal for all variables of velocity and motility, causing a significant (p<0.01) post-thaw inmotility of 100%. The slow freezing-rapid thawing interaction had a significantly higher effect than the other treatments (p<0.05), particularly on variables such as rapid motility (10.1 ± 1.1%), medium motility (30.16 ± 4.1%), and curvilinear velocity (51.5 ± 4.75 ìm sec.-1) also decreased the percentage of sperm with slow motility (41.7 ± 4.45%). Independently of the applied thawing rate, the freezing rate generated the main significant effect on total motility. Conclusions. It is possible to conclude that the interaction effect between freezing and thawing rates is nil (except for slow motility) during cryopreservation process. However, the independent effects of these factors (main effects) on remaining motility variables are positively significant and decisive to the maintenance of these features, especially the freeze factor (when it is slow). This becomes the first successful report of sperm cryopreservation from Bocachico Prochilodus magdalenae in the world and may be used in conservation programs for this endangered species.

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