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Resumen de Petrus und Jakobus bei dem sog. Aportelkonzil in Jerusalem (Apg 15).

Mario Cifrak

  • After the dirst journey of Paul to the Gentiles (cf. Acts 13 - 14) some raised the issue as to whether it was necessary to be circumcised in order to be saved (cf. Acts 15,1). Paul and Barnabas were to go up from Antioch to Jerusalem and discuss the question. At the "Council" Peter spoke (cf. Acts 15,7 - 11): God and Jesus chose Peter to proclaim to the Gentiles the word of the goog news, the word. Gd purified their hearts by faith, by acceptance of the word. The Jews are saved in the same way as the Gentiles are. Then James spoke (cf. Acts 15,14 - 21): The rebuilt "hut of David" consists of people for God's name. This people are also the Gentiles. If the Jews had seen the other Jews with the Gentiles, they should habe never listened to the good news. Therefore the Gentiles must behave as proselytes (cf. Lev 17 - 18). Consequently behaves Peter in Gal 2.

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