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Resumen de La passione di Cristo nel B. Giovanni Duns Scoto.

Jerome Pica

  • This study examines some peculiarities of Bl. John Duns Scotus's soteriology. The Subtle Doctor offers a theological interpretation of Christ's sufferings and death which moves away from the most common "sin-centered" view, mostly promoted by St. Anselm of Canterbury. Duns Scotus instead, emphasizes the gratuitousness of Christ's passion and death, along the path already followed by St. Bernard of Clairvaux, one of the most influential advocates of such position. The Word assumed the human nature in its weakness, and accepted agony and death not bound by any need, but in order to reveal more effectively the fullness of God's love for the human being. In this way the human creature would be more effectively moved to love his Creator not compelled by fear or threat but as a token of gratitude towards his Creator who loved first.

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