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Resumen de New Species of Lachemilla (Rosaceae) from South America

Katya Romoleroux

  • español

    Se describen e ilustran dos nuevas especies de Lachemilla (Focke) Rydberg (Rosaceae) de los Andes de Ecuador y Colombia. Lachemilla llanganatensis Romoleroux, del Ecuador, se caracteriza por su hábito ascendente, pubescencia esparcidamente hispidula, presencia de hojas basales enteras, y hojas distales verticiladas con lóbulos foliares acendentes a horizontales. Flores agrupadas en cimas de tres a seis flores, con sépalos y episépalos horizontales e hipantio esparcidamente hirsuto. Lachemilla kieftiana Romoleroux, de Colombia, se distingue por el hábito estolonífero y hojas basales en roseta, láminas subreniformes, sericeas. Flores agrupadas en cimas de tres a 10 flores, sésiles o subsésiles, brácteas florales libres, y sépalos y episépalos ascendentes e hipantio sericeo.

  • English

    Two new species of Lachemilla (Focke) Rydberg (Rosaceae) from the Andes of Ecuador and Colombia are described and illustrated. Lachemilla llanganatensis Romoleroux, from Ecuador, is characterized by its loosely ascending habit, sparsely short-hispid indumentum, presence of entire basal leaves, and ascending to spreading, verticillate stem leaves. The flowers are grouped in cymes of three to six flowers, with spreading sepals and episepals, and the hypanthia are often sparsely hirsute. Lachemilla kieftiana Romoleroux, from Colombia, is distinguished by its stoloniferous habit and basal leaves in rosettes with subreniform to 3-lobed, sericeous blades. The flowers are grouped in cymes of three to 10 flowers, subsessile, floral bracts free, with ascending sepals and episepals, and the hypanthia are mostly sericeous.

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