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Resumen de A New Genus and New Combinations in Australian Villarsia (Menyanthaceae)

Nicholas P. Tippery, Donald H. Les

  • Menyanthaceae species in Australia formerly belonging to the genus Villarsia Ventenat, which morphological and molecular data have shown to be paraphyletic, are provided with new combinations in Liparophyllum Hooker f. and the novel genus Ornduffia Tippery & Les: L. capitatum (Nees ex Lehmann) Tippery & Les; L. congestiflorum (F. Mueller) Tippery & Les, lectotypified here; L. exaltatum (Solander ex Sims) Tippery & Les; L. exiguum (F. Mueller) Tippery & Les; L. lasiospermum (F. Mueller) Tippery & Les, lectotypified here; L. latifolium (Bentham) Tippery & Les; L. violifolium (F. Mueller) Tippery & Les, lectotypified here; O. albiflora (F. Mueller) Tippery & Les, lectotypified here; O. calthifolia (F. Mueller) Tippery & Les, lectotypified here; O. marchantii (Ornduff) Tippery & Les; O. parnassifolia (Labillardière) Tippery & Les; O. reniformis (R. Brown) Tippery & Les; O. submersa (Aston) Tippery & Les; and O. umbricola (Aston) Tippery & Les.

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