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Resumen de Meconopsis xiangchengensis (Papaveraceae), a New Species from Sichuan, China

Rong Li, Jie Yang, Zhiling Dao

  • A new species of Papaveraceae, Meconopsis xiangchengensis R. Li & Z. L. Dao, is described and illustrated from southwestern Sichuan, China. The new taxon is placed in Meconopsis sect. Simplicifoliae (Tayl.) C. Y. Wu & H. Chuang and is morphologically related to M. impedita Prain. Meconopsis xiangchengensis differs from the latter by the plant height (8�10 cm vs. 15�25 cm in M. impedita) with sparse prickles or nearly glabrous on both surfaces (vs. denser prickles), and by the shorter petioles (1�2.5 cm vs. 3�7.2 cm) and styles (2�3 mm vs. 3�10 mm).

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