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Resumen de Los católicos "tiranicidas" en México durante la presidencia de Plutarco Elías Calles (1924-1928)

Fernando M. González

  • This research describes the most extreme situation of the conflict called Cristiada (1926-29) lead by a small group of Catholics that had to do with terrorism, kidnapping and murder, and that leaned on the so-called "fair war" and the justification in order to murder the "tyrant" if there was not any other choice. Both aspects were supported by a rich theological tradition thar presents some problematic issues and differences between its authors. The Mexican tyrannicides prosper during the presidential period of Plutarco Elías Calles. There were different types, in spite of the fact that they shared the same origins. For instance, there were yerrorists that remind us the Russian anarchists of the end the nineteenth century, but also the ones that Albert Camus called "delicate murderers", that is, the ones who are ready to die only if they give their lives in exchange of that of the "tyrant"; such as José de León Toral. A cell of the secret organization of the Union of the Sacred Spirit (U), founded in 1919 by the priest Luis María Martínez, participated in some murders of that time, together with the National League of Religious Defence (founded in 1925 by a group of laic Catholics).

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