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Resumen de Ramón del Valle-Inclán, encenador moderno, em sintonia com Appia, Meyerhold e Gordon Craig

Joyce Rodrigues Ferraz Infante

  • português

    Neste artigo, busca-se aproximar o dramaturgo galego Ramón del Valle-Inclán de seus contemporáneos Adolph Appia, Gordon Craig e Vsevolod Meyerhold, no tocante aos esforços de renovaçao do teatro europeu do início do século XX. Para tanto, faz-se uma análise comparativa entre as elaboraçoes teóricas e práticas de Appia, Craig e Meyerhold e as de Valle-Inclán, sobretudo aquelas incorporadas às obras do ciclo esperpéntico. Por meio dessa análise conclui-se que Valle-Inclán possui afinidades com os colegas estrangeiros, especialmente, no que se refire ao uso criativo dos recursos de iluminaçao e de atuaçao.

  • English

    In this article, we intend to approach the Galician playwrigth Ramón del Valle-Inclán to his contemporaries Adolph Appia, Gordon Craig and Vsevolod Meyerhold, concerning the efforts of the theatrical renewal that occurred in Europe in the early tweentieth century. Therefore, we carry out a comparative analysis between Appia, Craig and Meyerhold's theoretical and practical elaborations and Valle-Inclán's, especially those ones which are incorporated in his dramatic pieces of work of "esperpêntico" cycle. Throught this analysis we concluded that Valle-Inclán has affinities with foreign counterparts, mainly with regard to the creative use of lighting features and actor's performance.

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