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Resumen de El tetramorfo

Irene González Hernando

  • español

    El Tetramorfo es un conjunto de cuatro seres ubicados alrededor del trono de Dios y normalmente asimilados a los evangelistas (Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan). Forman parte de la corte celeste y su función es alabar, glorificar y dar gracias al todopoderoso, función que comparten con otras criaturas como los veinticuatro ancianos o los serafines. Están relacionados con el fin de los tiempos y la segunda venida de Dios, ya que su descripción forma parte del libro del Apocalipsis.

  • English

    The Tetramorphs are a set of four living creatures located around the throne of God and they are usually identified as the four Evangelists (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). They are part of the heavenly court and its function is to praise, glorify, and give thanks to the Almighty, a function that was shared with other creatures like the Twenty Four Elders or the Seraphim. The Tetramorphs are related to the end of time and the second coming of Chirst, because their description is part of the Book of Revelations.

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