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Resumen de Betsabé entronizada

Mónica A. Walker Vadillo

  • español

    La referencia bíblica de Betsabé sentada a la derecha de Salomón está en I Reyes 2:19, y forma parte del ciclo de la vida del rey Salomón. Después de intentar usurpar el trono, Adonías (hermanastro de Salomón) le pide a Betsabé que interceda por él ante su hijo para que éste le conceda la mano de Abisag, la última concubina del rey David. Betsabé accede y se presenta ante el rey Salomón, quien sale a su encuentro y se inclina ante ella. Después Salomón manda traer otro trono para su madre, sentándose Betsabé a su derecha. En ocasiones Betsabé es coronada por su hijo.

  • English

    The biblical reference of Bathsheba seated at the right side of Solomon can be found in the Old Testament, and it is part of the cycle of the life of King Solomon. After the failed attempt of a coup d'éstat by Adonijah, son of King David and Haggit, he went to Bathsheba so that she would intercede on his behalf to his son, King Solomon. He wanted her to ask him if he would give Abishag the Shunammite, the last concubine of King David, as his wife. Bathsheba agrees to his request and she goes to see her son. When she enters the throne room, King Solomon stands up and goes to meet her. He bowed to her, and ordered a throne to be placed on his right for his mother. Occasionally Bathsheba is crowned by her son Solomon.'

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