O presente artigo realiza unha análise das liñas temáticas da saudade (a nostalxia da terra) e da emigración na obra poética de Antón Zapata García (Laxe, 1886 - Bos Aires 1953), alén de ofrecer unha breve achega biográfica do escritor, con especial relevo no que atinxe ao seu intenso activismo social e cultural dentro da colectividade galega na Arxentina.
The following article is an analisis of the outstanding thematic lines in relation to the �saudade� (nostalgia and homesickness) and emigration in the poetical work of Antón Zapata García (Laxe, 1886 � Buenos Aires, 1953). Moreover, it also offers a brief biography of the writer, specially focused on his fruitful social and cultural activity within the galician community of Argentine.
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