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Resumen de "Mirando polos que quedaron": a man dos indianos no ensino primario : o caso de Ribadeo

Ana Cabana Iglesia

  • galego

    Este artigo trata de pór de manifesto o papel dos indianos como benfeitores do eido educativo de aquén mar. Un labor que non recibiu excesiva atención e que se revela como un dos posibilitadores da mellora da calidade do ensino e das taxas de alfabetización da Galicia de finais de século XX e primeiro terzo do XX. O estudo, que repara nos motivos que levaron aos emigrantes que conseguiron o éxito económico a investir os seus bens en eidos benéficos, realizouse cunha perspectiva microhistórica a partir do concello lugués de Ribadeo.

  • English

    This article seeks to show the role of returned emigrants as benefactors in education on this side of the ocean. A task that was not paid too much attention and which stands as one of the aspects that enabled the progress in teaching quality and the increase in literacy rates in Galicia at the end of the 19th century and up to the 1930s. The study focuses on the reasons that led economically successful emigrants to invest their assets in charity and has been carried out from a micro-historical viewpoint starting with the Lugo district of Ribadeo.

Fundación Dialnet

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