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Resumen de Os galegos en Río de Xaneiro

Erica Sarmiento da Silva

  • galego

    O estudo que aquí se presenta pretende encher un pequeño espazo que insiste en mantenerse baleiro: os estudos relacionados con la emigración galega a Rio de Xaneiro. A través das fontes do Consulado Español e o Hospital Español localizados nesta cidade, atopamos as primeiras información substanciais acerca dos galegos a Río desde a segunda metade do século XIX ata a década dos 30 do pasado século. Esas dúas fontes permitiron construir una tipoloxía da comunidade galega, a partir de datos como o ano de chegada, lugar de orixe, idade, etc. Neste artigo aparecen soamente algún aspectos dos emigrantes - froito das investigación iniciais - que nos levaran a facer a primeiras reflexións sobre quen eran os que representaban a colectividade galega en Río. Partindo dos lugares de orixe, como os municipios e as parroquias, achegándonos aos microuniversos, podemos desenredar as cadeas migratorias que se desenvolveron ao ongo de áis dun século da historia da emigración galega.

  • English

    The study presented here seek to fill a small vacuum that insists on remaining empty: the studies related to the Galician emigration to Rio de Janeiro. Through the sources of the Spanish consulate and the Spanish Hospital, located in this city, we have found the first substantial information on the Galicians that went to Rio de Janeiro from the second half of the 19th century to the 1930s. These two sources have made it possible to build up a typology of the Galician community based on information such as the year of arrival, place of origin, age, etc. This article shows only a few insights on the emigrants (which are the result of the initial research work), which led us to make a first reflection on those who represented the Galician collective in Rio. Based on the places of origin, including the towns and parishes, and looking at the micro-universes, we can unravel the migration chains that were put together over a period of more than one century in the history of Galician emigration.

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