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Resumen de Geometría del granito de La Bazana a partir de datos gravimétricos (Zona de Ossa-Morena, Macizo Ibérico)

E. Galadí Enríquez, Jesús Galindo Zaldívar, José Fernando Simancas Cabrera, Inmaculada Expósito Ramos

  • The La Bazana granite is a small intrusive pluton located at the hinge of a symmetrical late Variscan antiform. This granite intrudes essentially in Cambrian metapelites and metasammites of the Ossa-Morena Zone. The attitude of foliation in the host rock, as well as the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility data and the magmatic foliations and lineations in the granite, indicate that the upper part of the pluton has a dome shape. The gravity study suggests that the granite extend in depth until near 10 km and has an inverted drop shape with a certain laccolithic tendency. While the ascent of this granite has been probably of diapiric type, in the final stages the top of the diapir has extended laterally

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