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Resumen de Un nuevo yacimiento jurásico con icnitas saurópodas en la Cordillera Ibérica. Galve (Teruel)

Marta Blanco Fernández, S. Caro, Félix Pérez Lorente, Luis Enrique Requeta Loza, M.M. Romero

  • This paper describes a new dinosaur footprint site found in Galve, Teruel. It is located in the transition zone between the Higueruelas and Villar del Arzobispo formations. According to geological studies, the Higueruelas Formation and the lower part of the Villar del Arzobispo formation are Upper Jurassic, meaning that these prints are also from that period. The morphology of the asemblage displays characteristics that identify the ichnites as sauropods, probably of the Brontopodus ichnogen. The tracks illustrate the passage of a sauropod group, maybe a herd, over tidal flats

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