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Resumen de El Trías Betibérico.: Una nueva interpretación sobre el Triásico basada en unidades tectosedimentarias.

F. Jerez Mir

  • By means of a field work, carried out in the Eastern Spain Triassic outcrops, (mainly Muschelkalk and Keüper), within the area extended between Cuenca and Murcia parallels> toghether with other observations in the external and internal zones of the Betic Cordillera, the following results among other have been achieved. It has been shown the existence of a «third carbonatic barn) (INTERMEDIATE-stricto sensu CARBONATIC TSU) in a intermediate stratigraphic position between the two classic carbonatic barrs (Lower and Upper Muschelkalk) of the, in general terms, Germanic-type Triassic and in local terms, Catalanide (Virgili, 1968). It is advanced the proposal of the Chelva area (Valencia) as the stratotype and type area of the spanish and germanic Triassic in general. It is defined, there, the Betiberic or Chelvan Triassic (Che Iva - Va I en ti a), which is characterised by being mainly composed of nine principal tecto-sedimentary units TSU, alternatively silicic/astic-evaporitic and carbonatic ones, that are particularly well developed in the Betic and Iberic Cordilleras. It is also evidenced the occurrence of important stratigraphic discontinuities lying upon and below of the main Betiberic Tríassic TSU, which are related to basin range tectonic events. The correlation betwen Valencia "Keuper" Croup (ORTI, 1974) and the lower part of the Middle Muschelkalk is established. Finally, the existence of folding with schistossity and methamorphism development, erosion and emersion in different times of the Triassic period is sugested

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