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Resumen de Comment (ne pas) produire une critique sociologique de la police

Louis Moreau de Bellaing

  • The book of D. Fassin La Force de l'ordre pro- duces an analysis of French anti-crime police units named BAC. The survey results, similar to those established for several years by the socio- logy of the police, are linked to a triple ambition :

    to carry out an anthropology of public/social order in working-class districts and, ultimately, of the state ; to conduct a comprehensive analysis of police action in order to make it possible to criti- cize this action ; to generate a public debate on police practices. These three objectives are thwarted, respectively, by the poverty of the des- criptions mobilized by the author, by the asymme- tric treatment he reserves to the actors and, finally, by a misconception of the relationships bet- ween social sciences and society.

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