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Resumen de Les Maisons du Peuple comme espaces de politisation: Étude de la coopérative ouvrière La Paix à Roubaix (1885-1914)

Paula Cossart, Julien Talpin

  • R esearch on politicization has stressed the role of specific social spaces on the development of political practices, or even of a political conscious- ness, among the more dominated individuals. But People's Houses have drawn little attention so far.

    This article examines the one created by the socia- list cooperative La Paix in Roubaix, from 1885 to 1914. We study its role of sociability. The analysis of the politicization of workers' traditional socia- bility leads us to tackle its effects on individuals and groups who attended La Paix. We emphasize the difficulty to track precisely individual trajecto- ries of politicization. But attendance to the People's House might have been a springboard for a political career and, more generally, fostered the formation of a local working-class consciousness.

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