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Resumen de the distinctione Cantabrigienses 8 Cambridge, UL Add. 3321.1 ): Authority, Power and Jurisdiction in a twelfth-Century Commentary on Gratian's Decretum

Bruce C. Brasington

  • This paper examines a previously unstudied early decretist commentary, the " Distinctiones Cantabrigenses ". Likelñy dating from the early 1160s, with an Italian provenance, this commentary trats a variety of issues, for example the role of Biblical texys in canon law - and their apparent contradiction with later patristic authorities; its principle focus, however, is questions of hierarchy and jurisdiction. Among those considered are the relative authority and jurisdiction between metropolitans and bishops, the validity of provincial councils, and councils where no papal representation is present. The author of the Distinctiones is particularly concerned, however, to examine the degree to which the ancient canons compiled by Gratian must be reconciled with the realities of parish and diocesean life. The commentary gives the strong impression of an author with considerable experience in ecclesiastical administration. It is possible that he was, in fact, an archdeacon.

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