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Resumen de Tipología de los granitoides y rocas asociadas del complejo migmatítico de la Punta dels Farallons (Cap de Creus, Pirineo Orienta]).

Elena Druguet, Pere Enrique Gisbert, Gumersinda Galán García

  • The Punta dels Farallons migmatitic complex (Cap de Creus, eastern-Pyrenees) consists of an association of partially migmatized sillimanite schists, small heterogeneous bodies of granitoids and quartz-gabbros, and a voluminous pegmatite dike swarm. The igneous rocks have been divided in to two associations: (i) a cafemlc association which includes quartz-gabbros, quartz-diorltes, tonalites, granodiorites and granites, (ii) a peraluminous association, anatectic in origin, comprises leucogranites and pegmatites. It is considered that some of the migmatites were formed by insitu partial melting of the most pelitic metasediments, while others seem to be related to the injection of granitoid veins. Local anatexis and the ascent of intermediate-basic magmas are both considered to be involved in the development of the migmatitic complex

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