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Resumen de Hallazgo de Paratosuchus sp. (Amphibia, Temnospondyli) en las facies Buntsandstein del Pla de la Calma (Cordilleras Costeras Catalanas):: resultados preliminares.

Rodrigo Gaete, Àngel Galobart Lorente, Jordi Palomar, Mariano Marzo Carpio

  • The tetrapod fauna of La Mora site (Montseny massif) is located in the Buntsandstein facies at the lower part of the « Areniscas y lutitas del Figaró» unit. This fauna is found within a sandy, fluvial channel-fill and is dominated by remains of tem nospondyl amphibians. General features of the skull and the mandible indicate that these remains pertain to the genus Parotosuchus. This is a prim itive genus in the family Capitosauridae, which is typical of the continental triassic faunas around the world

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