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Resumen de Litoestratigrafía del Eoceno superior-Oligoceno inferior de la zona oriental de la cuenca del Ebro.: Sector Igualada-Santa Coloma de Queralt.

Baldomer Colldeforns Chertó, Pere Anadón Monzón, Lluís Cabrera Pérez

  • The stratigraphie framework of the non-marine Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene in the Eastern Ebro Basin (Igualada-Sta. Coloma de Queralt area) is characterized by three main lithostratigraphic assemblages. The lower assemblage (Upper Eocene) comprises units mainly formed by alluvial deposits. The intermediate assemblage (Lowermost Oligocene) is formed by units wich originated in lacustrine environments. The upper assemblage (Lower Oligocene) comprises units formed by lacustrine and fluviolacustrine deposits. The main lithologic features of the units which constitute this stratigraphic framework are described

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