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Resumen de Datación por el método Sm-Nd del filón con F-Ba (Pb-Zn) de la mina San Eusebio (Sierra de Guadarrama, España).

Carmen Galindo Francisco, D. P. F. Darbyshire, Fernando Tornos Arroyo, César Casquet Martín

  • S m -N d d a tin g o f F-Ba (Pb-Zn) veins enclosed in a d a m e llite s o f the Spanish C e n tra l System suggests an age of 152± 25 M.a. (Late Jurassic) for this hydrothermal stage. This age supports an unconformity-related origin for this style of mineralization and excludes any genetic relationship with a magmatic-related hydrothermal activity related to the enclosing granites. It is consistent with K-Ar and Rb-Sr dating of other hydrothermal events in the Sierra de Guadarrama and strengthens the hypothesis that the late and pos thercynian hydrothermal activity covers a long span of time

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