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Resumen de Discordancias progresivas y expresión geomorfológica de los abanicos aluviales cuaternarios de la Depresión tectónica del Guadalentín (Murcia, SE España).

Pablo G. Silva Barroso, José Luis Goy Goy, Caridad Zazo

  • Several progressive unconformities have been observed along the convergent strike-slip faults on both margins of the Guadalentín tectonic Depression, which generate five main faulted mountain fronts. All these have been active tectonic fronts over the Quaternary period issuing sediments to the alluvial fans located at their toes, generating thick sedimentary wedges. Relationships bet- ween progressive unconformities and both depositional styles and geomorphological patterns of alluvial fans, indicate that depositional style and progressive unconformities are respectivally the morpho-sedimentary and morpho-tectonic responses of fans to the tectonic behaviour of the adyacent active fronts

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