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Resumen de Criterios del sentido del movimiento e historia deformativa en fallas a partir de la Petrografía de espejos de fricción:: Aplicación a fallas alpinas del Sistema Central.

Miguel Manuel de las Doblas Lavigne

  • The analysis of thin-sections using slickenside petrography (Lee & Means, 1990) a/lows the deduction ofa series of shear-sense indicators in brittle faults, such as: SC-type structures, asymmetric microfolds, stylolitized and recrysta//ized steps, R and R I Riedel microfractures, tension gashes, deformed phenocrysts, oblique stylolites, oblique preferred mineral orientations, and drag-effects. Additionally, we present a number of criteria to recognize the polyphasic character of some faults. These findings are applied to some Alpine fau/ts in the Spanish Central System

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