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Resumen de El enjambre filoniano básico intrusivo en el Complejo plutónico Táliga-Barcarrota (Ossa-Morena, Badajoz).

Carmen Galindo Francisco, Mercedes Muñoz, César Casquet Martín

  • Two families ofdykes are distinguished in the Ta/iga-Barcarrota area with directions NW-SE and E-W (the younger one). Chemical affinity is tholeiitic shifting from 01+Hy normative in the first to Q+Hy normative in the second. A 1<-Ar whole rock age gives 250±5 M. A. (i.e. Upper Permian). Evolution by olivine and minor pyroxene fractionation is proposed. These dykes likely represent an earlier post Hercynian ensialic extensional magmatism which should be taken into a account in any geodynamic model of post Hercynian evolution of the Iberian Peninsula

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