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Resumen de Estructuración y significado tectonoestratigráfico de la formación calizas de panda (moscoviense superior, zona cantábrica)

K. Motis, L.R. Fernández, Nemesio Heredia Carballo

  • The Panda Limestone Formation (upper Podolsky to Podolsky-Myachkovsky boundary, Pisuerga-Carrión Province, Cantabrian Zone) forms part of the Pando Group, the syn-orogenic wedge related to the emplacement of the Esla Unit. The formation has been divided into three informal members. Fades analysis suggests that the Panda limestones were deposited in a ramp-like platform, in which subtidal carbonate platform (lower or Cosoya member) and deep platform with mud mounds (upper or Valcarque member) settings can be recognised. Locally, a destructive slope (Casasuertes breccia member) developed. The Panda Formation and the upper part of the underlying Vega cerneja Formation form a depositional sequence recording a deepening upward trend. Also, the platform seems to have developed on an E-W trending arc, which is thought to be due to a blind thrust related to the Esla Unit emplacement

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