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Resumen de Realidades y retos de las áreas metropolitanas: ciudad de México, Guadalajara y Monterrey

Juan Manuel Ramírez Sáiz, Patricia Safa Barraza

  • español

    Presentamos un balance sobre la situación urbana en las tres principales áreas metropolitanas del país a finales del siglo pasado e inicios del presente. Por una parte, consideramos los cambios registrados y las tendencias observables en los elementos que estructuran el espacio interno de dichas metrópolis. El reajuste responde al impacto de la dinámica interna de cada una de ellos, por separado, en el ámbito metropolitano. Éstos son de doble signo: desactivadores de anteriores modos de operar o innovadores de otros. Por otra parte, existen problemas o tendencias que afectan simultáneamente a las metrópolis y a sus habitantes. Analizamos los principales ejes que atraviesan transversalmente la totalidad del espacio metropolitano. La información básica proviene de la revisión de la literatura reciente.

  • English

    This article offers an overview of the urban conditions in the country's three leading metropolitan areas at the end of the last century and the beginning of the present one. On the one hand, we consider the changes that have been recorded and the observable trends that structure the internal space of these metropolitan areas. The readjustment they are undergoing is a function of the logic by which these elements operate and the effects it produces on the three cities. Thus, attention is paid to the impact that the internal dynamics of each one of them has separately on the metropolitan area. This impact cuts two ways: it deactivates older ways of operating, and proposes new ones. But aside from these sector-based effects, there are problems or trends that affect the cities and their inhabitants simultaneously. In this case, we analyze the main issues that cut across the metropolitan space in its entirety. In both cases, the basic information comes from recent literature.

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