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Resumen de Interferencia de la supresión directa y derivada en una tarea de alta demanda cognitiva. Un estudio preliminar

Juan C. Galera-Barbero, Adrián Barbero Rubio, Rubén Uclés Juárez, Noelia Navarro Gómez, Francisco J. Ruiz, Nikolett Eisenbeck, María Carmen Luciano Soriano

  • A preliminary study. The present study analyzes the transfer of the suppression function and its interference effect on a high cognitive demand task. Twelve participants were randomly assigned to the control and experimental conditions. In Phase 1, participants completed the questionnaires AAQ-II (Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II) and WBSI (White Bear Suppression Inventory), and were exposed to a working memory task (TM-I) in which an abstract stimulus (B1), irrelevant for the task, appeared in several occasions. In Phase 2, experimental participants were instructed and trained in suppressing the thoughts related to B1. Control participants carried out the same task but without receiving the suppression instruction. Then, all participants were exposed to an aloud verbalization task and to the second memory task (TM-II). In Phase 3, all participants were trained and tested for the formation of two 4-member equivalence classes (Class 1: A1-B1-C1-D1; Class 2: A2-B2-C2-D2). In Phase 4, the test for transfer of functions, a second period of aloud verbalizations and the third memory task (TM-III; C1 stimulus appeared in this case) were carried out. Four of the 7 experimental participants showed the transfer of the suppression function. Unlike control participants, experimental participants did not significantly increase their performance along the three working memory tasks.

Fundación Dialnet

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