M.C. Iñigo Villalba, M.L. Martín-Benito Valle, M. Catalina Hernansanz
El presente articulo muestra un estudio realizado en personas con enfermedad mental grave, para el que se ha utilizado la WII con el juego Big Brain Academy como herramientas. Nuestra hipótesis se basa : en primer lugar mejora las capacidades cognitivas y en segundo lugar aumenta las alter-nativas para el uso de tiempo libre.
La metodología que se ha usado ha sido a través del Taller de Atención y Memoria con la utilización de una herramienta nueva : la WII y el juego Big Brain Academy en sesiones semanales durante un ano.
Los TO's utilizaron un registro en el que anotaban los porcentajes de aciertos y el tiempo empleado en cada juego.
Destacar que los resultados obtenidos verifican nuestra hipótesis.
Tras la lectura de este articulo queda demostrada la importancia de una adecuada estimulación para obtener buenos resultados.
This article presents a study carried out on people suffering from severe mental diseases. In order to do it, the Wii Station has been used together with the game Big Brain Academy. In addition, the following objectives have been established: firstly, the subject's cognitive skills will be developed; secondly, the patients will have an alternative with which to spend their spare time. The methodology employed is the carrying out of the workshop of Attention and Memory during a year.
Once the subjects showed a considerable management of the Wii Station, it was considered whether the results, obtained from playing the games in different categories (such as Perception, Visual Keenness, Memory and Analysis), were influenced by both the Spatial Orientation and Laterality skills.
The Occupational Therapists used a register with which they wrote down the percentages of scores and the time spent on each game.
After the reading of this article it is of great import to underline the relevance of an adequate estimulation in order to get good results.
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