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Resumen de Bridging between libraries and information and communication technologies for development

Rebecca Sears, Michael Crandall

  • The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Global Libraries initiative), and the Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA), at the University of Washington Information School, believe that the library and ICTD fields are at a point in their evolutions where each may be able to provide significant value to the other. They have organized a series of �bridging� convenings to bring together interested stakeholders in both fields to advance activities that will realize tangible benefits for the two communities. Libraries and ICTD share an interest in the use of technology to achieve their ultimate goals. While their contexts come from very different histories and intentions, there are many areas of commonality that are worth exploring as possible collaborative efforts.

    A two-level view of the fields is proposed, starting with the overall characteristics that determine the character of each field as a necessary context for thinking about possible intersections, and ending with a proposal for exploration of potential areas for joint work at a more practical level. Possible projects in the areas of user services, training and technology are suggestions for further investigation.

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