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Resumen de Information Literacy in Students Entering Higher Education in the French Speaking Community of Belgium: lessons learned from an evaluation

Paul Thirion, Bernard Pochet

  • Although universities are providing more and more information literacy training for their undergraduate students, the students� real level of information literacy at the beginning of their studies has never been assessed.

    Hence EduDOC has decided to team up with the CIUF �Library� Commission in order to organize a wide study aiming at objectively describing this initial level of information literacy, at identifying the students� main weaknesses, as well as allowing instructors to adjust their training on this basis. The questionnaire was based on a similar study carried out in Québec and contains 20 questions grouped in fi ve themes relating to information search steps. It was sent in September 2007 to a random sample of students entering a higher education institution in the French Speaking Community of Belgium for the fi rst time. The students� rather poor results confi rm that organizing an information literacy program is imperative if students are to perform well in their studies.

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