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Resumen de Politis and the limits of Legal Form

Umut Özsu

  • Prolific as a scholar, active in the League of Nations, and agent for Greece before the Permanent Court, Nicolas Politis is remembered today as a key figure both in the development of international legal doctrine and in the organization of international political relations. This short article examines three of Politis� texts � the first an early foray into scholarship dealing with issues arising from the 1897 Greek�Turkish War, the second a set of mid-career lectures at the Hague Academy of International Law, and the third the posthumously published La morale internationale, a work of considerable ambition that never quite managed to find its audience. The article�s chief aim is to demonstrate that Politis� trajectory was marked by recurring appeals to extra-legal ideas and arguments � a broadly anti-formalistic tendency which made its influence felt with increasing visibility over time, but which was present even in his earliest and most conventional work.

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