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Resumen de Beiträge zur Frage der gesellschaftlichen Stellung der in de römerzeitlichen Hügelgräbern Bestatteten in Transdanubien

Levente Nagy

  • The social status of the dead buried in the Transdanubian Roman period tumulus cemeteries. The study raises a number of methodological problems in search for an answer to the question how reliably the social standing of the persons buried in Roman period graves can be examined by the example of the Transdanubian tumulus burials. Where it is possible (e.g. in the case of Nemesvámos-Baláca), the epigraphic data are also used, similarly to the topographic data of the settlements and villa farms to which the examined Roman period tumulus graves belonged. Nevertheless, the study concentrates on the social historical analysis of the sizes of the tumuli and the finds recovered from the graves in the light of the traditional grave-good giving customs. The author shortly discusses the controversial chronological problem of the construction of the tumulus at Nemesvámos-Baláca.

Fundación Dialnet

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