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Resumen de Small projects/large changes: Participatory design as an open participated process

Ezio Manzini

  • This paper examines the need for large-scale, sustainable changes, and the effects of citizens' active participation and design co-operating to realise such changes. Section 1, starting from Pelle Ehn's last contribution, deals with participatory designand how it can be extended from the traditional idea of participation as the integration of users in projects, to the concept of participation as the interaction of active groups of citizens with open and articulated processes in the direction of socio-technical changes. Section 2 introduces the idea of planning by projects strategyand presents five design projects. Section 3 discusses how participatory design can be extended to give a rationale for these large-scale projects and what designers did in practice: triggered citizens� interest, aligned their motivations and empowered their capabilities. The idea emerging from this discussion is that when participatory design is intended as an approach aiming at broad and complex transformation processes its traditional notion must integrate the concept of social innovation (first step) and evolve towards the idea of an open process where a multiplicity of small, diverse, participated initiatives (or local projects) interact (second step) to achieve a larger vision

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