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Resumen de España, un país disfuncional.

Miguel Ángel Moreno Tavera

  • español

    El autor estudia la analogía entre una nación disfuncional y una familia disfuncional, y toma como eje de su recorrido la nación española. Su peculiar proceso histórico-cultural, y su culminación con la invasión árabe, hacen que su �sentimiento nacional� difiera de las naciones de su entorno, convirtiéndose en un caso de nación disfuncional. Asimismo las diferentes regiones que componen su Estado adquieren la dinámica disfuncional de �todos contra todos�. Para poder analizar el proceso disfuncional, y compararlo con una familia disfuncional, el autor se basa en �la psicología de los pueblos�, �Völkerpsychologie�, de Wilhelm von Humboldt y de Wilhelm Wundt. Igualmente utiliza también el autor el trabajo del doctor Raymond H.

    Hamde: �A Dysfunctional Nation and Its People: Becoming Functional�.

  • English

    The author examines the analogy between a dysfunctional nation and a dysfunctional family, and takes as its main line of illustration the Spanish nation. Its unique cultural-historical process, and its culmination with the Arab invasion, makes it to differ its concept of "national sentiment" from that of the nations in its vicinity (Europe), making the Kingdom of Spain into an example of a dysfunctional nation.

    Likewise, the different regions that make up the Spanish state have acquired the dysfunctional dynamic of "all against all" (polarization among all the family members, in these case the different autonomous regions that constitute the Spanish State). To analyze the dysfunctional process and to compare it to a dysfunctional family, the author has based himself on "the psychology of peoples", "Völkerpsychologie" by Wilhelm von Humboldt, and in the work of WilhelmWundt. Using as well, the work of Dr. Raymond H.Hamden: �A Dysfunctional Nation and Its People: Becoming Functional�

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